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Don’t be in the dark about who is visiting what web sites on your LAN. Use our two-prong approach to lock in on who is browsing what on your home network.

不要为谁正在访问您的LAN上的哪个网站而感到困惑。 使用我们的两管齐下的方法来锁定谁在浏览您的家庭网络上的内容。

Whether you want to keep an eye on what your kids are doing, monitor the activities of people connecting to your Wi-Fi hotspot, or you’re just a little more curious than the average person, the following guide will help you monitor both the global URL requests originating from your network and the requests originating from individual users on the network. It’s a two-prong approach so you can easily do one without the other (individual monitoring without global monitoring or vice versa).

无论您是想留意孩子在做什么,监视连接到Wi-Fi热点的人的活动,还是只是比普通人好奇一点,以下指南将帮助您同时监视源自您的网络的全局URL请求以及源自网络上各个用户的请求。 这是一种两管齐下的方法,因此您可以轻松地一无所有(单独监视而无需全局监视,反之亦然)。

启用URL日志记录所需的内容 (What You’ll Need to Enable URL Logging)

Because this technique is two-prong we’ll divide the What You’ll Need section into two portions. First, if you’re only interested in global logging—keeping a record of every URL visited from your internet connection but without the granularity of seeing which specific computer is doing the requesting—you’ll need the following things:

由于此技术有两个方面,我们将“您需要的内容”部分分为两部分。 首先,如果您仅对全局日志记录感兴趣(保留从Internet连接访问的每个URL的记录,但又不了解具体是哪台计算机在执行请求),则需要执行以下操作:

  • A router that allows you to set custom DNS servers (the vast majority of routers do)

  • A free OpenDNS account


If you want to get a more granular view of the URL requests on your network and don’t mind exerting a little extra effort you’ll need


  • A router that allows logging (again, most routers do)

  • A free copy of


The first method is the simplest and requires only a few minutes of setup. The downside is that the router + OpenDNS method only allows you to see that requests are being made from your network and not who is making them. Thus you’ll know there have been multiple visits to ABC and XYZ site but all you’ll know is that they came from your network. A smaller downside is that it’s not in real time so you’ll have to wait roughly a day for the logs to update for review.

第一种方法最简单,只需几分钟即可完成设置。 缺点是,路由器+ OpenDNS方法仅允许您查看正在从您的网络发出请求,而不是谁在发出请求。 因此,您将知道曾经多次访问过ABC和XYZ网站,但您所知道的只是它们来自您的网络。 较小的缺点是它不是实时的,因此您大约需要等待一天的时间才能更新日志以进行审核。

The second method involved enabling the Sys Log on your router and then pulling that log, putting into a program for analysis (specifically to resolve all those IP address to human readable URLs), and then reading over the list. With this technique you’ll see specifically which computer or device on the network, at what time, accesses what sites.

第二种方法涉及在路由器上启用系统日志,然后拉出该日志,放入程序进行分析(特别是将所有这些IP地址解析为人类可读的URL),然后遍历该列表。 使用这种技术,您将可以具体看到网络上的哪台计算机或设备在什么时候访问哪些站点。

We recommend working through the tutorial and setting up both methods. Use the first method (OpenDNS) to keep a general eye on things and the second and more intensive method (analyzing the logs) when you notice something amiss and want to delve in deeper to see what’s going on.

我们建议您完成本教程并设置两种方法。 当您发现某些问题并想深入研究发生的情况时,请使用第一种方法(OpenDNS)来大致监视事物,使用第二种方法和强度更高的方法(分析日志)。

为OpenDNS配置路由器 (Configuring Your Router for OpenDNS)


First, and sign up for their free home-user account. Plug in your email, choose a strong password, and then make sure to check your email to confirm your identity and activate the account. Once you’ve confirmed your account you’ll need to add your home IP to a network. OpenDNS supports multiple networks but all we’re concerned with is making sure that your home network is recognized by OpenDNS.

首先, 并注册其免费的家庭用户帐户。 插入您的电子邮件,选择一个强密码,然后确保检查您的电子邮件以确认您的身份并激活该帐户。 确认帐户后,您需要将家庭IP添加到网络。 OpenDNS支持多个网络,但是我们所关心的只是确保您的家庭网络可以被OpenDNS识别。


Click Add a network in your OpenDNS Dashboard, confirm that the IP it suggests you use is the IP address of your home internet connection. Name the connection Home (or the name of whatever network you’re planning on logging the URLs for).

单击“ OpenDNS仪表板”中的“ 添加网络” ,确认它建议使用的IP是家庭Internet连接的IP地址。 将连接命名为Home (或您计划记录其URL的任何网络的名称)。

When you’re done if it doesn’t automatically kick you over to the Settings submenu of the dashboard click on the tab to navigate there on your own. There you’ll find the new network you made, listed by the label you gave it and your IP address. Before OpenDNS will start logging for us we need to give it the go ahead to do so. Click on the IP address to access the settings for that network.

完成后,如果它不能自动将您带到仪表板的“设置”子菜单,请单击选项卡以自行导航到该菜单。 在这里,您会找到所建立的新网络,并按其名称和IP地址列出。 在OpenDNS开始为我们记录日志之前,我们需要继续进行下去。 单击IP地址以访问该网络的设置。


Once inside the settings menu click Stats and Logs in the left hand column. Within the Stats and Logs menu check the box Enable stats and logs and then click Apply. Now that you’ve told OpenDNS to monitor your connection it’s time to go switch the DNS servers in your router to point at OpenDNS so it will have some traffic to monitor.

进入设置菜单后,单击左栏中的“ 统计和日志 ”。 在“统计和日志”菜单中,选中“ 启用统计和日志 ”框,然后单击“ 应用” 。 既然您已经告诉OpenDNS监视您的连接,是时候将路由器中的DNS服务器切换为指向OpenDNS了,这样它将有一些流量需要监视。

We’re using a Linksys router with custom Tomato firmware installed. In order to get to the DNS settings we logged into the router, navigated to Basic –> Network –> Static DNS, like so:

我们使用的是安装了自定义Tomato固件的Linksys路由器。 为了获得DNS设置,我们登录到路由器,导航至Basic –> Network –> Static DNS ,如下所示:


Your router should have a similar menu. For tips on your specific router, check out the . Depending on your router and firmware you’ll have slots for 2-4 DNS server addresses. Fill as many of the slots as you have available using the following IP addresses in the following order:

您的路由器应具有类似的菜单。 有关特定路由器的提示,请在查看《 。 根据您的路由器和固件,您将拥有2-4个DNS服务器地址的插槽。 使用以下IP地址按以下顺序填充尽可能多的插槽:


Once you’ve added the new DNS servers to your router, make sure to save your settings. From this point forward OpenDNS will log all the URL requests originating from your home network. To view them simply log into your OpenDNS account, click on the Stats tab and review the Domains data. It’s worth noting that the stats aren’t updated in real time and you should expect at least a 12-24 lag between when a site is visited and when the domain appears in your stats page. Need a more immediate and granular control? Read on to enable router-level logging.

将新的DNS服务器添加到路由器后,请确保保存设置。 从现在开始,OpenDNS将记录来自您的家庭网络的所有URL请求。 要查看它们,只需登录您的OpenDNS帐户,单击“ 统计”选项卡并查看“ 域”数据。 值得注意的是,这些统计信息不会实时更新,您应该期望在访问该网站和该域出现在您的统计信息页面之间至少间隔12-24个小时。 需要更直接,更精细的控制吗? 继续阅读以启用路由器级别的日志记录。

Make sure to explore the to get a bigger idea of the other things you can do with OpenDNS (such as free content filtering). It’s more than just a faster DNS server with logging features!

确保浏览的“ 以更好地了解您可以使用OpenDNS进行的其他操作(例如免费内容过滤)。 它不仅仅是具有记录功能的更快的DNS服务器!

启用路由器日志记录和日志分析 (Enabling Router Logging and Log Analysis)


OpenDNS is definitely the simple route. If you don’t need real time second-by-second logging and you want someone else to do the heavy lifting of translating all the IP addresses into human-friendly reports, it’s the way to go. If you want a more detailed look, however, you’re going to need to get your hands dirty. In this section of the guide we’re going to help you enable logging on your router and then use free application Wall Watcher to analyze those logs in real time.

OpenDNS绝对是简单的方法。 如果您不需要实时的第二秒日志记录,而又希望其他人将所有IP地址转换为对人类友好的报告,则是您的不二之选。 但是,如果您想要更详细的外观,则需要弄脏手。 在本指南的这一部分中,我们将帮助您启用路由器登录,然后使用免费的应用程序Wall Watcher实时分析这些日志。

First, we need to enable logging on our router. We’ve never come across a router that doesn’t have a logging function so it’s highly probable that you can log connections with yours. We’re running a Linksys router with Tomato installed so we’re going to navigate to Status –> Logs –> Logging Configuration and then check Log To Remote System and then plug in the IP address of the computer we’re going to install Wall Watcher on. This IP address is the internal IP address on the LAN, in our case Then under that in the Connection Logging section we toggled the Inbound and Outbound traffic to Both. Scroll down and click Save.

首先,我们需要在路由器上启用日志记录。 我们从未遇到没有日志功能的路由器,因此很有可能可以记录与您的连接。 我们正在运行安装了Tomato的Linksys路由器,因此我们将导航至“ 状态”->“日志”->“日志记录配置” ,然后选中“ 记录到远程系统” ,然后插入要安装Wall的计算机的IP地址 。守望者。 此IP地址是LAN上的内部IP地址,在本例中为192.168.1.117。 然后,在“ 连接日志记录”部分的“ 连接记录”下,将“入站”和“出站”流量切换为“ 两者” 。 向下滚动并单击保存。

The router is now logging and broadcasting the logs out over the network to our host machine. Time to install Wall Watcher. Wall Watcher is not a straight forward one-click application to install so make sure to pay attention to the following instructions to avoid any unnecessary frustration.

路由器现在正在记录日志,并将日志通过网络广播到我们的主机。 是时候安装Wall Watcher了。 Wall Watcher并非直接安装的一键式应用程序,因此请确保注意以下说明,以避免不必要的麻烦。

First download both the and the . Extract them both to the same folder. Run Setup.exe (if you get an error about a missing Visual Basic file, download and install the missing component from Microsoft ). When you run Setup for the first time you’ll see the following dialog box:

首先下载和 。 将它们都提取到同一文件夹中。 运行Setup.exe(如果您收到有关缺少的Visual Basic文件的错误,请在从Microsoft下载并安装缺少的组件)。 首次运行安装程序时,您将看到以下对话框:


We checked all four but at minimum you must check the first one, Install and register Library Files. Skipping this step inevitably leads to errors unless by chance you have the exact libraries and files installed that the application needs.

我们检查了所有四个,但是至少您必须检查第一个,即“ 安装并注册库文件” 。 除非您偶然安装了应用程序所需的确切库和文件,否则跳过此步骤将不可避免地导致错误。


On the first run you’ll be prompted to select your router. If you choose to Auto-Select WallWatcher will go through every router in its 125+ router database and test it against your router configuration. If you know the router you have, pick it from the list to save yourself some time (note: if you’re running Tomato, DD-WRT, or another popular alternative firmware, choose that from the list instead of your router’s model number). Click OK.

首次运行时,系统会提示您选择路由器。 如果选择自动选择,WallWatcher将遍历其125+路由器数据库中的每个路由器,并根据您的路由器配置对其进行测试。 如果知道路由器,则从列表中选择以节省时间(请注意:如果您正在运行Tomato,DD-WRT或其他流行的替代固件,请从列表中选择而不是路由器的型号) 。 单击确定。

At this point you’ll see a really busy window pane with all your traffic flowing by. All of it will be in IP form which sin’t particularly useful to you unless you feel like resolving the IPs by hand (which you can, by the way, using the included IP-URL.exe in the WallWatcher folder).

此时,您将看到一个非常繁忙的窗格,所有流量都在其中流动。 所有这些都将是IP形式,除非您感觉要手工解析IP(您可以使用WallWatcher文件夹中随附的IP-URL.exe来解决),否则它们对您没有特别的帮助。


Click on Options –> Logging in the menu bar. With in the logging menu check Convert IP Addrs to URLs and OK to use NetBios 137. Click OK and return back to the main WallWatcher pane. Now, next to the IP addresses you should see actual URLs whirling by:

在菜单栏中单击选项–>登录 。 在日志记录菜单中,使用选中将IP地址转换为URL,然后单击确定以使用NetBios 137 。 单击“确定”,然后返回到WallWatcher主窗格。 现在,在IP地址旁边,您应该看到实际的URL通过以下方式旋转:

Even more important for the second prong of our whole monitoring project, the local IP address is displayed. All the traffic in the above screenshot originated from the *.117 computer. Glancing at the log I can easily see my visit to Reddit during the testing phase of the setup.  Although you can watch things in real time if you’re so inclined, WallWatcher logs all the connections and you can pull fresh logs from the router if need be on a case-by-case basis so feel free to just let it run in the background (or not at all until you feel the need to fire it up and do some analysis).

对于我们整个监控项目的第二个分支而言,更重要的是,将显示本地IP地址。 上面屏幕截图中的所有流量都来自* .117计算机。 浏览日志,可以轻松地在设置的测试阶段看到我对Reddit的访问。 尽管您可以随时观看实时事件,但WallWatcher会记录所有连接,并且如果需要,可以根据需要从路由器中获取新的日志,因此可以随意在路由器中运行背景(或者根本没有,除非您觉得有必要将其启动并进行一些分析)。

WallWatcher is absolutely packed with settings and filters so you can easily tweak it to hone in on a particular device on your network, ignore traffic to benign sources you’ve white listed, set up alerts for sites you’ve black listed, and more. With a little experimentation you’ll be examining your logs the way you want and with surgical precision.

WallWatcher绝对包含设置和过滤器,因此您可以轻松地对其进行调整以在网络上的特定设备上进行磨合,忽略对白名单中的良性资源的访问量,为黑名单中的站点设置警报,等等。 稍作试验,您将以所需的方式并以手术精度检查您的日志。

With the two-prong approach we’ve laid out here you can easily keep a global eye on your network from the comfort of your OpenDNS dashboard and swoop down to do a request-by-request analysis of your log files to see who specifically is doing what. Miss Scarlett on the iPad visiting HelloKitty.com? You’ll have the mystery solved in no time.

使用我们在此处列出的两种解决方案,您可以轻松地从OpenDNS仪表板的舒适性对网络进行全局监视,然后俯冲下来对日志文件进行逐个请求分析,以查看谁是谁做什么。 iPad上的Scarlett小姐访问HelloKitty.com吗? 您将立即解开谜团。




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